Ekovitrin Dergisi’nin bu yıl 13. sünü gerçekleştirdiği “”Yılın Starları Anketi”” sonuçlandı. Ekovitrin Dergisi ve eş zamanlı olarak www.ekovitrin.com sitesinde yaklaşık 3 ay devam eden “”Yılın Starları Anketi””ne Türkiye ve yurtdışından büyük bir katılım gerçekleşti. Anketin devam ettiği süreç içinde toplamda 184.232 oy kullanılmış olup Türkiye’nin en geniş katılımlı anketi özelliğini taşıyan “”2013 Yılının Starları”” belirlenmiştir.
31 ayrı kategoride toplamda 93 adayın yarıştığı “”Yılın Starları Anketi”” sonucunda UFRAD, Ekovitrin okuyucuları tarafından “”Yılın STK’sı”” seçildi.
UFRAD Genel Başkanı Dr. Mustafa AYDIN, UFRAD Yönetim Kurulu ve üyeleri ile birlikte yurtiçi, yurtdışı, iş ve siyaset dünyasından 500 seçkin davetlinin de olacağı “”Yılın Starları 2013″” ödül töreni 05 Temmuz 2014 tarihinde İstanbul’da gerçekleştirilecektir.
The stars of the
year have been finalized!
year have been finalized!
UFRAD Franchising
Association was chosen the “NGO of the Year”.
Association was chosen the “NGO of the Year”.
Ekovitrin magazine’s 13th Annual “Star of the Year’ Poll has been finalized.
Ekovitrin magazine and at the same time the web site www.ekovitrin.com made
the “Star of the Year” Poll which continued for about 3 months and received a
lot of attention from Turkey and all over the world. During the poll, a total
of 184,232 votes were used and the poll also gained the record for Turkey’s
most attended poll.
Ekovitrin magazine and at the same time the web site www.ekovitrin.com made
the “Star of the Year” Poll which continued for about 3 months and received a
lot of attention from Turkey and all over the world. During the poll, a total
of 184,232 votes were used and the poll also gained the record for Turkey’s
most attended poll.
The voters voted between a total of 93 candidates who competed in 31 different categories in UFRAD’s “Star of the Year”.
UFRAD’s President Dr. Mustafa Aydın,
along with UFRAD’s Board of Directors and members, and 500 chosen attendees
from the domestic and overseas, work and political world were invited for “Star
of the Year 2013” award ceremony which will take place on the 5th of
July 2014 in Istanbul.
along with UFRAD’s Board of Directors and members, and 500 chosen attendees
from the domestic and overseas, work and political world were invited for “Star
of the Year 2013” award ceremony which will take place on the 5th of
July 2014 in Istanbul.