VIII. Ekonomi Şurası, TOBB Başkanı M. Rifat HİSARCIKLIOĞLU’nun ev sahipliğinde, Başbakan sn. Ahmet Davutoğlu ile Bakanlar, İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Mütevelli Heyet Başkanı Dr. Mustafa Aydın, bürokratlar ve Tobb Meslek komite üyelerinin katılımları ile tamamlandı.
VIII. TOBB ( The Union of Chambers and Commodity
Exchanges of Turkey)- Turkey Sector Economy Summit held at TOBB headquarters in
Ankara on April 21, 2015 with the participation of Prime Minister Ahmet
VIII. Economy Summit was hosted by TOBB President
M. Rifat Hisarciklioglu and attended by the Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu,
ministers, bureaucrats, and the members of TOBB Job Committee.
TOBB Turkey Sector Economy Summit
VIII. TOBB ( The Union of Chambers and Commodity
Exchanges of Turkey)- Turkey Sector Economy Summit held at TOBB headquarters in
Ankara on April 21, 2015 with the participation of Prime Minister Ahmet
VIII. Economy Summit was hosted by TOBB President
M. Rifat Hisarciklioglu and attended by the Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu,
ministers, bureaucrats, and the members of TOBB Job Committee.
Representatives of 60 sectors within TOBB delivered
presentations. Our association was among the ones in Transportation and
Logistics Assembly.
presentations. Our association was among the ones in Transportation and
Logistics Assembly.