17 – 19 Şubat 2016 tarihleri arasında Haliç Kongre Merkezinde EURAS’ın desteğiyle gerçekleştirilecek olan (EURIE) Eurasia Higher Education Summit fuarıyla ilgili çalışmaları değerlendirme toplantısı gerçekleştirildi.
Turkish Higher Education System adıyla seminer verilmesinin gerekliliğinin üzerinde durulduğu toplantıda, Rusya Azerbaycan ve Kazakistan’la yapılan görüşmeler ele alındı.
An evaluation meeting in regards to the activities carried our within the scope of EURIE Higher Education Summit, was chaired by EURAS president Dr. Mustafa Aydin.
An evaluation meeting in regards to EURIE- Eurasian Higher Education Summit, which is going to take place on February 17-19, 2016 at Halic Congress Center with the support of EURAS, took place at Tepekent Social Facilities.
During the meeting, the necessity of having seminars on Turkish Higher Education system and the meetings with Russia, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan were discussed.