Her yıl basın, medya, sanat ve iş dünyası yıldızlarının katılımıyla gerçekleşen “Türkiye’nin En Prestijli Öğrenci Ödülleri” olan Yılın Yıldızları bu yıl 13. sünü gerçekleştirdi. Yıllardır kalitesinden ödün vermeyen, sadece Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi’nde değil, bütün Türkiye’de ses getiren isimlere ev sahipliği yapan Yılın Yıldızları Ödül Töreni, 5000 Yıldızlı öğrencinin oylarıyla belirlenen 2014 yılının yıldızlarını ödülleri ile buluşturdu. Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Davutpaşa Kongre Merkezi ev sahipliğinde gerçekleşen ödül töreninde İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Mütevelli Heyet Başkanı Dr.Mustafa Aydın ‘’Eğitimde Yılın Yıldızı’’ seçilerek ödülünü Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Rektörü Prof.Dr.İsmail Ayaz ‘dan teslim aldı.
Dr. Mustafa Aydın to receive the “Star of the Year in Education” award
The Chairman of the Board of Trustees at İstanbul Aydın University was awarded “Star of the Year in Education” award by Yıldız Technical University Business Club.
13th Annual “Star of the Year – Turkeys’ Most Prestigious Students Awards” Ceremony was held with attendees from press, art, media, and business world. The Award Ceremony brought together the stars of the year 2014 who were selected with the votes of 5,000 students. Star of the Year Award Ceremony hosts guests from all around Turkey and awards the outstanding educators. The award ceremony took place Yıldız University Davutpasa campus and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees at İstanbul Aydın University received the award “Star of the Year in Education” from the Rector of Yıldız Technical University.
The Chairman of the Board of Trustees at İstanbul Aydın University was awarded “Star of the Year in Education” award by Yıldız Technical University Business Club.
13th Annual “Star of the Year – Turkeys’ Most Prestigious Students Awards” Ceremony was held with attendees from press, art, media, and business world. The Award Ceremony brought together the stars of the year 2014 who were selected with the votes of 5,000 students. Star of the Year Award Ceremony hosts guests from all around Turkey and awards the outstanding educators. The award ceremony took place Yıldız University Davutpasa campus and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees at İstanbul Aydın University received the award “Star of the Year in Education” from the Rector of Yıldız Technical University.