Dr.Mustafa Aydın 26 Kasım 2012’de TOBB Plaza’da düzenlenen EEİK Toplantısı’na katıldı. İstanbul ‘da Eylül 2013 yılında gerçekleşecek ve dünyanın en büyük eğitim fuarlarından biri olan EIAI fuarı ve dünyanın en büyük eğitim fuarı olan NAFSA 2013’ün ele alındığı toplantıda EEİK olarak fuarlar kapsamında yapılacak faaliyetler ele alındı.
Economy of Education Business Council Meeting was held
President of IAU, Dr.Mustafa Aydın participated to the EEIK meeting which was held in TOBB Plaza on 26th November 2012 . The meeting was on the activities of the world’s most largest education fair ,EIAI and the largest education fair NAFSA 2013 will be held in Istanbul.
President of IAU, Dr.Mustafa Aydın participated to the EEIK meeting which was held in TOBB Plaza on 26th November 2012 . The meeting was on the activities of the world’s most largest education fair ,EIAI and the largest education fair NAFSA 2013 will be held in Istanbul.