Yaklaşık 250 bin öğrenci tarafından ziyaret edilen ve Türkiye’nin 20 üniversiteyle temsil edildiği Forumda, İAÜ Florya Kampüsü’nü tüm canlılığıyla Kazablanka’ya taşıyan üç boyutlu fon görseliyle İAÜ standı büyük ilgi çekti. Stand çalışmalarından oldukça etkilenen Dr. Aydın, çalışmalarda emeği geçen tüm İAÜ yetkililerine teşekkürlerini iletti.
President of İAU and DEİK Higher Education Council Dr. Mustafa Aydın was in Casablanca to attend 22th International Student Forum and work on various higher education cooperations.
President of İAU Dr. Mustafa Aydın visited and examined İAU forum stand before the opening ceremony of the Forum where Turkey was the honor guest and realized with high protocol participation of President of Turkish Higher Education Council (YÖK) Prof. Dr. Gökhan Çetinsaya.
İAU stand carrying İAU Florya Campus to Casablanca with its 3D photo background attracted high attention during the forum. Dr. Aydın highly impressed by İAU stand works, thanked all who contributed the efforts.