Tüm gün boyunca süren İAÜ Tepekent Arama Konferansı molalarında Dr. Mustafa Aydın ve tüm İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi yöneticileri çeşitli spor aktiviteleri yaptılar.
Dr. Mustafa Aydın tenisteki maharetlerini ve başarısını Tepekent Sosyal Tesislerimizde bir kez daha sergiledi.
Dr. Mustafa Aydın and all directors of IAU were in Tepekent Recreational Facility for search conference themed institutionalization at universities and quality process.
They discussed in detail weak and strong aspects of our university and the corresponding solution proposals moderated by Academician Mehmet Durmaz in IAU Tepekent Recreational Facility. Also they discussed what they need to do for a stronger İstanbul Aydın University. At the last part of conference, Dr. Aydın and all directors evaluated our process in European University Association and decided actions to be taken for progressing development.
Dr. Mustafa Aydın and all directors of İstanbul Aydın University conducted a series of sport activities in breaks of conference all day long.
Dr. Mustafa Aydın showed once again his proficiency and skills at tennis in Tepekent Recreational Facility.