Dr. Mustafa Aydın yükseköğretim sistemi, Türkiye’deki Üniversiteler ve projeler hakkında bilgi verdiği görüşmesinin sonunda Başkonsolos, Dr. AYDIN’a İskoçya hatırası özel hediyelerini takdim ettiler.
Meeting with Consul General of Turkish Republic in Edinburgh, Semih Lütfi Turgut
President of DEİK Higher Education Business Council, Dr. Mustafa Aydın met with Consul General of Turkish Republic in Edinburgh, Semih Lütfi Turgut during his official visit for 27th EAIE Conference in Glasgow.
Dr.Mustafa Aydın gave Consul General detailed information about the higher education system, projects and universities in Turkey. At the end of their meeting, Consul General presented special reminiscence of Scotland to Dr. AYDIN.