Dr. Mustafa Aydın, katılan üniversite temsilcilerinin yanı sıra ABD İstanbul Ticaret Müşaviri ile de Türk üniversitelerinin eğitimdeki başarısını ve üniversitelerimizin daha da gelişmesi için ne tür çalışmaların yapılamasının gerekli olduğunu değerlendirdi.
Chairman of DEİK Higher Education Business Council Dr. Mustafa Aydın attended the Bosphorus tour organized by mezun.com.
Turkish and American university representatives came together at the Bosphorus tour organized by mezun.com. University representatives and Dr. Mustafa Aydın evaluated education systems of the universities during the get together.
Dr. Aydın also had the chance to talk about the success of Turkish universities with USA Commercial Counsellor of İstanbul they further discussed what innovations are necessary to improve our universities chances in global competition.