İkili görüşmeler sonrası işbirliği anlaşması imzalamak üzere İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Mütevelli Heyet Başkanı Dr. Mustafa Aydın, Makedonya Cumhuriyeti Avrupa Üniversitesi Başkanı, Prof.Dr. Boyo Andreski, Müdürü, Elitsa Andreska, Yabancı Öğrenciler ve Uluslararası İşbirliği Koordinatörü, Seval Bahtiyar’ı makamında ağırladı. İkili işbirliği anlaşmasına imza atıldı ve “visiting professors (ziyaretçi profesörler)” konusunda çalışmalar başlatıldı.
The Republic of Macedonia European University’s President, Prof.Dr. Boyo Andreski, Director Ms. Elitsa Andreska, International Cooperations Coordinator Ms. Seval Bahtiyar and fellow students visited Istanbul Aydin University to sign a Cooperation Protocol.
With campuses in London and Oxford, The Republic of Macedonia European University were interested in our Faculty of Dentistry and Faculty of Law, also the university is recognized by the Turkish Higher Education Council (YOK). Expressing that they would like having the Faculty of Dentistry lecturers teach Turkish classes through “Visiting Professors” with the support of Istanbul Aydin University. The Republic of Macedonia European University posesses Faculties of Fashion, Economics, Detective Criminaology, Dentistry, and Law with a quarter of the 2000 students population being Turkish has expressed their intentions on creating a Dual Degree Agreement with Istanbul Aydin University.
After negotiations, The Republic of Macedonia European University’s President, Prof.Dr. Boyo Andreski, Director Ms. Elitsa Andreska, International Cooperations Coordinator Ms. Seval Bahtiyar and fellow students were hosted by Istanbul Aydin University’s Board of Trustees Chairman, Dr. Mustafa Aydin, in his Office. Cooperation Protocol’s were signed and the “Visiting Professors” preparations were initiated.