“Üniversiteler sokak eylemlerini destekleyemez” sözleriyle Gezi eylemcilerinin eleştirilerine maruz kalan İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Mütevelli Heyeti Başkanı Dr. Mustafa Aydın SABAH’a konuştu. Aydın, “Kişilerin politik görüşleri olur ama bir üniversite, öğrencisinin sokağa çıkmasını teşvik edemez. Sözlerim çarpıtıldı” dedi. Devlet üniversitelerinin yapısını da eleştiren Aydın “Devlet üniversitelerimiz bütün kaynaklarını devletten bekleyen, ‘devlet göndersin ben harcayayım’ felsefesini ön planda tutan anlayış içerisindeler. Oysaki çağdaş dünyaya baktığımız zaman bugün devlet üniversiteleri de vakıf üniversiteleri gibi kendi kaynaklarını yaratma becerisine sahipler. Üniversitelerin devletin üzerinde, halkın üzerinde bir yük olmaktan öte halkın ve devletin önünü açan önemli bir kurum niteliğine büründürülmesi lazım” diye konuştu. Türkiye’nin “2023 vizyonu” adı altında ekonomi, politika, kültür ve siyasette belirli hedefleri olduğunu hatırlatan Aydın, bu kapsamda toplantılar yaptıklarını anlattı.
Aydın, başka ülkeler tarafından üretilen bir bilgiyi ve teknolojiyi alıp kendi kurumlarımızda kullanmak yerine üniversitelerin kendi bilgi ve teknolojilerini üretmeleri gerektiğini söyledi. Üniversitelerin bu hedefler doğrultusunda yeniden yapılandırılması gerektiğini ifade eden. Aydın “Türkiye’nin içinde bulunduğu sosyal ve siyasal olayları da dikkate alarak üniversitelerin politize olması, sokaklarda veya meydanlarda yapılacak eylemleri üniversitelerin kurumsal kimliğiyle desteklemesi doğru olmaz” diye konuştu.
İndividual’s views will happen, not the University’s
Dr. Mustafa
Aydın gave clarity to “Universities cannot support the actions on the streets.”
Universities must be politized, it is not right to support the actions on the
streets with a corporate identity.
Aydın gave clarity to “Universities cannot support the actions on the streets.”
Universities must be politized, it is not right to support the actions on the
streets with a corporate identity.
Being criticized
by the Gezi protestors after his words “Universities cannot support the actions
on the streets”, the İAU board of trustees chairman Dr. Mustafa Aydın spoke to
SABAH. “İndividuals can have political views but a university cannot encourage
students to go out to the streets.” says Aydın. “My words were taken out of
context.” explained Aydın. Aydın also criticized the government universities.
“Our government universities await all their funding from the government. “They
have the mindset of ‘let the government send the money and we’ll spend it.’
However when we look at the contemporary world we see that all the government
and private universities are all capable of creating their own fundings and
resources. Universities have to stop being a burden on the government and the
people and have to start being an institution which clears a path for the
government and for the people.” said Aydın. Aydın also reminded of Turkey’s
goals set to improve Turkey’s economy, politics and culture, nicknamed the
“2023 vision”, and said that conferences are being made to make the “2023
vision” a reality.
by the Gezi protestors after his words “Universities cannot support the actions
on the streets”, the İAU board of trustees chairman Dr. Mustafa Aydın spoke to
SABAH. “İndividuals can have political views but a university cannot encourage
students to go out to the streets.” says Aydın. “My words were taken out of
context.” explained Aydın. Aydın also criticized the government universities.
“Our government universities await all their funding from the government. “They
have the mindset of ‘let the government send the money and we’ll spend it.’
However when we look at the contemporary world we see that all the government
and private universities are all capable of creating their own fundings and
resources. Universities have to stop being a burden on the government and the
people and have to start being an institution which clears a path for the
government and for the people.” said Aydın. Aydın also reminded of Turkey’s
goals set to improve Turkey’s economy, politics and culture, nicknamed the
“2023 vision”, and said that conferences are being made to make the “2023
vision” a reality.
Aydın said, “We
must create our own information and technology instead of taking and using the
information and technology created at other universities.” The Turkish
universities must put more emphasis on these goals. “Taking Turkey’s current
social and political affairs to our attention, the universities must be
politized and shouldn’t support the protests on the streets and squares with an
institution identity.
must create our own information and technology instead of taking and using the
information and technology created at other universities.” The Turkish
universities must put more emphasis on these goals. “Taking Turkey’s current
social and political affairs to our attention, the universities must be
politized and shouldn’t support the protests on the streets and squares with an
institution identity.