İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Mütevelli Heyet Başkanı Dr. Mustafa Aydın, 30 Mart’taki Seçimde bir kez daha Büyükçekmece Belediye Başkanı seçilen Dr. Hasan Akgün’e tebrik ziyaretinde bulundu. Ziyaret sonrası açıklama yapan Hasan Akgün, Büyükçekmece’ye İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Ağız ve Çene Cerrahisi Fakültesi’nin kurulacağı müjdesini verdi.
Başkan Akgün, “Mustafa Bey benim değer verdiğim önemli bir eğitimcidir. Kendisiyle yapmış olduğum görüşme sonrasında Büyükçekmece’ye yapılacak olan Ağız, Diş ve Çene Fakültesi Doktora ve Yüksek Lisans bölümlerini içine alacak yeni kampüs binası ile ilgili fikir alışverişinde bulunduk. Bununla ilgili eski adliye binasının yeri belirlenmiştir” dedi. Kampüsün 3500 kişilik olacağı öğrenildi.
Aydın University is founding a Faculty in Büyükçekmece
Aydın University is founding a Faculty in Büyükçekmece
Hasan Akgün, The Mayor of Manucipality of Büyükçekmece, gave a piece of good news after a meeting with Dr. Mustafa
Aydın that Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Faculty will be founded in
Aydın that Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Faculty will be founded in
Dr. Mustafa
Aydın,The Chairman of the Board of
Trustees of Istanbul Aydın University,
made a courtesy visit to Hasan Akgün who was requalified as the mayor of
Manucipality of Büyükçekmece on 30th March elections. Hasan Akgün made a
statement after the visit and gave the good news that İstanbul Aydın University
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Faculty will be founded in Büyükçekmece. “ Mr.
Aydın is an important educator to whom I appreciate greatly. After the meeting with him , we had
an exchange of ideas about the new campus building including Oral And
Maxillofacial Surgery Faculty and relevant post graduate and doctoral program.
The new faculty will be founded on the place where the old court house was
located” said mayor Akgün. It was learnt that it will be a campus of 3500
Aydın,The Chairman of the Board of
Trustees of Istanbul Aydın University,
made a courtesy visit to Hasan Akgün who was requalified as the mayor of
Manucipality of Büyükçekmece on 30th March elections. Hasan Akgün made a
statement after the visit and gave the good news that İstanbul Aydın University
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Faculty will be founded in Büyükçekmece. “ Mr.
Aydın is an important educator to whom I appreciate greatly. After the meeting with him , we had
an exchange of ideas about the new campus building including Oral And
Maxillofacial Surgery Faculty and relevant post graduate and doctoral program.
The new faculty will be founded on the place where the old court house was
located” said mayor Akgün. It was learnt that it will be a campus of 3500