İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Mütevelli Heyet Başkanı Dr. Mustafa Aydın, Türkiye Mısır Büyükelçisi Hüseyin Avni Botsalı tarafından Türk Üniversiteleri Fuarı’na katılan üniversite temsilcileri için Büyükelçilik konutunda verilen öğle yemeğine katıldı.
President of İstanbul Aydın University Dr. Mustafa Aydın attended the luncheon given by Turkish Ambassador Avni Botsalı in Turkish Embassy, for the representatives of universities participating Study in Turkey Fair in Cairo.
President Dr. Mustafa Aydın having a private interview with the Ambassador same day, presented the Ambassador his sincere thanks for this important attempt of Turkish Embassy concerning the refreshment and reinforcement of bilateral relations between two countries. President Dr. Mustafa Aydın announced that as a result of their interview with the Ambassador a more efficient presentation program for turkish universities will be organized in Cairo. Dr. Mustafa Aydın also presented Ambassador Hüseyin Avni Botsalı a tile vase hand made by İAU students.