Kermes’ten alışveriş de yapan Dr. Mustafa Aydın, bu kermesin de bir kez daha ispatladığı üzere, aydınlık bir geleceğe doğru yürüyen tüm öğrencilerini ve mezunlarını çok sevdiğini belirterek, giderek daha da güzelleşen tüm etkinliklerinde daima yanlarında olmaktan gurur duyacağını da sözlerine ekledi.
President of İAU Dr. Mustafa Aydın was with students and graduates in charge during the MEYODER (Association of Vocational Schools) Charity Sale held on 30 April 2013 in İAU Florya Campus and whose revenue was donated to scholarship fund for the students in need.
Dr. Mustafa Aydın who visited sale stands and took information about sale efforts and products said that he is always touched by and proud of the high social responsibility level and mutualization spirit of İAU students and gradutes.
Dr. Mustafa Aydın also shopping during the Charity sale mentioned that he loves a lot his students and gradutes who are walking to a bright future as this charity sale proved once again, and he added that he will be proud of standing by them in all their activities refining increasingly.