Hayal bile edemezdik
Yıllarca Türkiye’nin uluslararası öğrenci temini konusunda yeterli bir performans sergilemediğini kaydeden Aydın, bu durumun bir devlet politikası olduğuna dikkat çekerek, “Düne kadar kominizim tehlikesi kaygısıyla dışarıdan öğrenci gelmesine sıcak bakılmadı. Şeriat ithali yapar diye Ortadoğu’dan öğrenci istenmiyordu. Fakat 5 yıldır, bu korkulardan sıyrılan bir Türkiye var” diye konuştu. Yabancı öğrencilerin en çok İstanbul’u tercih ettiklerini, ardından İzmir, Ankara ve Antalya geldiğini anlatan Aydın, “Devlet yabancı öğrenciyi Türkiye’ye çekebilmemiz için her türlü desteği veriyor. Bunu hayal bile edemezdik. Hükümetin yaklaşımı çok olumlu oldu. Ekonomi Bakanlığı teşvik veriyor. Öğrenci bulmak için yapacağınız harcamaların yüzde 50’sini ben karşılıyorum diyor, destek veriyor. Bu bizim için bir hayaldi. MEB, YÖK, İçişleri Bakanlığı, Dışişleri Bakanlığı artık her türlü destek ve kolaylığı sağlıyor” ifadelerini kullandı.
Dr. Mustafa Aydin: Turkey, Education Center Of The Middle East
The Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Istanbul Aydin University, Dr. Mustafa AYDIN highlighted some important issues in the interview of Star Newspaper: The uprisings in Syria, Iraq, Egypt and Lebonan have made Turkey an education center of the Middle East. Recent years, thousands of students have chosen Istanbul, Izmir, Ankara and Antalya for their higher education institution destination.
The President of Istanbul Aydin University and DEIK – Higher Education Business Council, Dr.Mustafa Aydin expressed that due to the civil wars in the Middle East and Africa, people who live in this region come to Turkey for their higher education destination. Dr. Mustafa Aydin said: “Because of the uncertainties due to the wars in Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon, families have been sending their children to Turkey, added that Turkey attracts people just because its trustable, close and common values with the region. Thereby, the number of students we have in our universities have increased in the recent years.”
We could not even imagine that.
Dr. Mustafa Aydin expressed that Turkey has not reached a well enough score about the procurement of international students for years and it needs to be considered as a state policy and continued that “Until yesterday, international students have not been welcomed because the fear of facing the communism and the Shari’a. However, for the last 5 years, Turkey has gone beyond those kind of thoughts.” Dr. Mustafa Aydin stated that Istanbul has been most preferred destination and Izmir, Ankara and Antalya have been followed after. He stated that “Our government is supporting us in every aspects in order to recruit international students to Turkey. We could not even imagine that. The approach of our government is so positive, the Ministry of Economy supports us with providing %50 of our expenses of this issue and it was a dream for us before. National Education Ministry, Council of Higher Education, Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs provide all kinds of support and convenience.”