Azerbaycan’da planlanan yükseköğretim fuarına Study in Turkey markası adı altında katılım planının yapıldığı toplantıda, Kasım ayında gerçekleşmesi planlanan ‘3. Uluslararası Öğrenci Temini Çalıştayı’nın bu yıl Ankara’da gerçekleştirilmesine karar verildi.
DEIK Higher Education Business Council Executive Committee Meeting
DEIK Higher Education Business Council Chairman Dr. Mustafa Aydin chaired the board of directors meeting during
EAIE Conferenc Scheduled activities in target countries were among the topics discussed at the meeting during EAIE Conference held in Glasgow in which EEIK Executive Committee members and universities participated.
At the end of the meeting, it was decided to to participate at the higher education exhibition in Azerbaijan and agent workshop in Istanbul under the brand name “Study in Turkey”