NAFSA 2015 ve EAIE 2015 fuarlarına her yıl olduğu gibi toplu olarak ‘Study in Turkey’ altında katılma kararı alan kurul, ayrıca hedef 10 ülkede de Türkiye Üniversiteleri fuarı düzenleme kararı aldı. Çin, Kazakistan, Fas, İran, Azerbaycan, Mısır, Hindistan ve Almanya’da fuarlar düzenleyecek olan üniversiteler bunların yanında 2015 Uluslararası öğrenci temini çalıştayını da kasım ayında gerçekleştirmeyi planlıyor.
EEİK Başkanı Dr. Mustafa Aydın ayrıca üyelere Ocak ayında Ankara’da gerçekleşen Ticaret Müşavirleri toplantısı ve ilgili ülke büyükelçilerimiz ile eğitim konusunda yapılabilecek çalışmalar hakkında gerçekleştirilen toplantılar hakkında bilgi verdi.
EEİK Başkanı Dr. Mustafa Aydın ayrıca üyelere Ocak ayında Ankara’da gerçekleşen Ticaret Müşavirleri toplantısı ve ilgili ülke büyükelçilerimiz ile eğitim konusunda yapılabilecek çalışmalar hakkında gerçekleştirilen toplantılar hakkında bilgi verdi.
DEIK Economics of Education Business Council Meeting
On January 20, 2015, the Board of Directors of DEIK Economics of Education Business Council has evaluated its business plans for 2015 during the meeting at TOBB Plaza.
The Board agreed to participate in NAFSA 2015 and EAIE 2015 exhibitions under the slogan “Study in Turkey” and aims to organize fairs in ten countries to introduce Turkish Universities. Universities plan to attend the exhibitions in China, Kazakhistan, Morocco, Iran, Azerbaijan, Egypt, India and Germany. They also plan to organize a workshop called “2015 International Students Enrollments” in November.
The president of DEIK Dr. Mustafa Aydın informed the members of the board about the meeting in Ankara with the trade advisors that took place in January and possible projects that can be worked on between the embassies of the countries mentioned above on education.
On January 20, 2015, the Board of Directors of DEIK Economics of Education Business Council has evaluated its business plans for 2015 during the meeting at TOBB Plaza.
The Board agreed to participate in NAFSA 2015 and EAIE 2015 exhibitions under the slogan “Study in Turkey” and aims to organize fairs in ten countries to introduce Turkish Universities. Universities plan to attend the exhibitions in China, Kazakhistan, Morocco, Iran, Azerbaijan, Egypt, India and Germany. They also plan to organize a workshop called “2015 International Students Enrollments” in November.
The president of DEIK Dr. Mustafa Aydın informed the members of the board about the meeting in Ankara with the trade advisors that took place in January and possible projects that can be worked on between the embassies of the countries mentioned above on education.