Aydın Düşünce Platformunun bu ayki konuğu Edirne Valisi Hasan Duruer’di. Türkiye, Balkanlar ve Avrupa Birliği konuları ele alındı.
Edirne Valisi Hasan Duruer; Öncelikle Balkanlarda yaşayan insanlarımızı kendi kültürümüzle tanıştırmak ve o kültürü gelecek nesillere nasıl aktarabiliriz? İnsanlarımızın Türkiye’ye karşı bağlılığını nasıl arttırabiliriz? Düşüncesinden yola çıkarak birtakım çalışmalar yaptıklarından bahsetti. Balkanların tarihinden ve istatistiksel verilerle geçmişten günümüze kadar değişen nufüs bilgilerini hazırlamış oldukları slayt gösterisi ile sundu.
Genel Başkan Dr. Mustafa Aydın sunumun özetini yaparak Balkanların AB Avrupa birliği süreci ve bu sürecin ekonomiyi ne şekilde etkileneceğine dair görüşlerini dile getirdi. Aydın Düşünce Platformu davetlilerin görüşleri ve konuya dair soruları cevaplanarak son buldu.Intellectual Thought
PlatformTurkey, The Balkans and Europen Union
PlatformTurkey, The Balkans and Europen Union
This month’s
guest of Intellectual Thought Platform was the
governer of Edirne , Mr. Hasan Duruer. The subjects such as Turkey, The Balkans and Europen Union were
guest of Intellectual Thought Platform was the
governer of Edirne , Mr. Hasan Duruer. The subjects such as Turkey, The Balkans and Europen Union were
The Governer of
Edirne, Mr. Hasan Duruer told that they have made some studies based upon the
questions such as ; how can we introduce our culture to our people living in
the Balkans and transfer this culture to the next generations? How can we
increase commitment of our people to
Turkey? He presented a slide show about the history of Balkans and changing
population with statistical data from past to present.
Edirne, Mr. Hasan Duruer told that they have made some studies based upon the
questions such as ; how can we introduce our culture to our people living in
the Balkans and transfer this culture to the next generations? How can we
increase commitment of our people to
Turkey? He presented a slide show about the history of Balkans and changing
population with statistical data from past to present.
Chairman Dr. Mustafa Aydın , making a summary of the
presentation, told his ideas about the
Balkans’ Europen Union process, and how this process will effect the
economy. Intellectual Thought Platform
ended after the invitees told about their ideas and questions about the subject
were answered.
presentation, told his ideas about the
Balkans’ Europen Union process, and how this process will effect the
economy. Intellectual Thought Platform
ended after the invitees told about their ideas and questions about the subject
were answered.