Dünya Franchise Konseyi Las Vegas toplantısında Amerikan Franchise Derneği-IFA’nın konuğu olan UFRAD Franchising Derneği Genel Başkanı Dr. Mustafa Aydın IFA’nın yönetim kurulu toplantısına katıldı.
Dünyanın en büyük ve aktif derneklerinden biri olan IFA’nın Amerikan ekonomik platformundaki yerini bizzat yakından görme fırsatı bulan Dr. Aydın gözlemledikleri iyi uygulamaları ülkemizde de hayata geçireceklerini ifade etti.
President of UFRAD Dr. Mustafa Aydin attended the IFAs’, International Franchising Association, Board of Directors meeting.
President of UFRAD Dr. Mustafa Aydin who was invited by IFA as part of the World Franchising Council meeting in Las Vegas, attended the IFA Board of Directors meeting. Dr. Aydin who was able to see the importance of IFA, one of the worlds largest and active associations, in American economy and said that he would put into practice the useful applications he saw in the meeting in our country as well.
President of UFRAD Dr. Mustafa Aydin who was invited by IFA as part of the World Franchising Council meeting in Las Vegas, attended the IFA Board of Directors meeting. Dr. Aydin who was able to see the importance of IFA, one of the worlds largest and active associations, in American economy and said that he would put into practice the useful applications he saw in the meeting in our country as well.