Dr.Mustafa Aydın 11 Ekim 2012 ‘de TOBB Plaza’da gerçekleştirilen DEİK Toplantısına katıldı.
Dış İşleri Bakanlığı Temsilcisi Anıl Kaya, MEB Temsilcisi Mehmet Ali Akdağ ve Vakıf Üniversitelerinden temsilcilerin katıldığı toplantıda Türkiye’de yaşayan yabancı uyruklu öğrenciler için ayrıcalıklar hakkında konuşuldu.
Dr.Mustafa Aydın participated to Foreign Economic Relations Boadr Meeting (DEİK)in The Union Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey on 11 October 2012 .
Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs , Anıl Kaya ,Ministry of Education, President of Republic of Turkey and Balkan Countries , Mehmet Ali Akdag and Foundation Universities participated to the meeting to talked about privileges for foreign students
Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs , Anıl Kaya ,Ministry of Education, President of Republic of Turkey and Balkan Countries , Mehmet Ali Akdag and Foundation Universities participated to the meeting to talked about privileges for foreign students