İspanyol CareDent Franchising zincirinin İtalya lisansörleri Mr.Chicco Reggioni ve ortağı Mr.Christian İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi’nin DentAydın diş hastanelerindeki sistemini incelemeye ve DentAydın’ın dişçilik alanındaki uluslararası tecrübelerinden faydalanmak için üniversitemizi ziyaret ettiler.
DentAydın’ın İtalya, Hollanda, Almanya başta olmak üzere tüm Avrupa’da zincir dental klinikler şeklinde yaygınlaşması üzerine, CareDent Grubu temsilcileriyle detaylı görüşmeler yapıldı.
Italian Dental Clinic Center chain
CAREDENT executives visited DENTAYDIN.
CAREDENT executives visited DENTAYDIN.
Owners of the Spanish CareDent
franchising chain’s Italy licensees Mr. Chicco Reggioni and his partner Mr.
Christian visited İAU to observe Dent Aydın’s systems at the dental hospital
and also to make use of Dent Aydın’s international experience in dentistry.
franchising chain’s Italy licensees Mr. Chicco Reggioni and his partner Mr.
Christian visited İAU to observe Dent Aydın’s systems at the dental hospital
and also to make use of Dent Aydın’s international experience in dentistry.
CareDent has made detailed meetings with
their representatives of DentAydın to open dental clinics in Italy,
Netherlands, Germany and throughout all of Europe.
their representatives of DentAydın to open dental clinics in Italy,
Netherlands, Germany and throughout all of Europe.