Fuar kapsamında ülke genelinde faaliyet yürüten kurumsal pek çok firma ve markanın yetkili isimleriyle bir araya gelen İstihdam Masası yetkilileri, Sosyal Yardım İşleri Müdürlüğü ve İstihdam Masası’nın çalışmalarını tanıttı. Kurulan standa öğrenciler büyük ilgi gösterdi. İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Mütevelli Heyet Başkanı Dr. Mustafa Aydın da Küçükçekmece Belediyesi standını ziyaret ederek yetkililerden hizmetlerle ilgili bilgi aldı. Aydın, İstihdam Masası yetkililerine yaptıkları çalışmalardan dolayı teşekkür ederek plaket verdi.
İstihdam Masası, 2013 yılında iş arayan 4800 vatandaşı firmalara yönlendirerek, 451 kişinin işe yerleşmesini sağladı. 2014 yılı Ocak ayından itibaren de 300 vatandaşa istihdam olanağı sağlayan Küçükçekmece Belediyesi, düzenledikleri kurslar ve eğitici seminerle vatandaşların mesleki gelişimine katkı sağlamaya devam ediyor.
Plaque of Gratitude
to the Employment Board
to the Employment Board
The Küçükçekmece Municipality, which works according
to the social municipal policies, attended İstanbul Aydın University’s 8th
career fair in order to reach out to more youths and to announce their upcoming
projects with their employment board executives.
to the social municipal policies, attended İstanbul Aydın University’s 8th
career fair in order to reach out to more youths and to announce their upcoming
projects with their employment board executives.
The career fair was led by many corporate firms and
many brand executives who made up the executives of the employment board and
the social welfare affairs directorates. They also introduced the upcoming
projects of the employment board. The stands gained a lot of attention from the
students. İAU’s board of trustees chairman Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın also visited
Küçükçekmece Municipality’s stand and gained more insight on the services
provided by the municipality. Aydın gave a plaque of gratitude to the
employment board executives for their dedication and work.
many brand executives who made up the executives of the employment board and
the social welfare affairs directorates. They also introduced the upcoming
projects of the employment board. The stands gained a lot of attention from the
students. İAU’s board of trustees chairman Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın also visited
Küçükçekmece Municipality’s stand and gained more insight on the services
provided by the municipality. Aydın gave a plaque of gratitude to the
employment board executives for their dedication and work.
The employment board, by directing 4800 citizens to
firms in 2013, provided 451 citizens with jobs. Also by providing 300 citizens
with job opportunities after January 2014, the Küçükçekmece municipality
continues to improve the citizen’s vocational knowledge with their vocational
courses and educational seminars.
firms in 2013, provided 451 citizens with jobs. Also by providing 300 citizens
with job opportunities after January 2014, the Küçükçekmece municipality
continues to improve the citizen’s vocational knowledge with their vocational
courses and educational seminars.