Glasgow’da düzenlenen Study in Turkey Resepsiyonuna Avrupa Komisyonu Yetkilisi, T.C. Edinburgh Başkonsolosu, Türkiye Ulusal Ajans Heyeti ile Türk Üniversiteleri, Konsorsiyumlar ve acentalardan gelen yetkililer katıldı. Katılımcılara açılış konuşmasını gerçekleştiren Dr. Aydın, resepsiyon sonunda Avrupa Komisyonu Yetkilisi Vanessa Debiais-Sainton, T.C. Edinburgh Başkonsolosu Sn. Semih Lütfi Turgut’a plaketlerini takdim etti.
DEİK Higher Education Business Council hosted Study in Turkey Reception on the occasion of EAIE Conference in Glasgow.
President of Higher Education Business Council, Dr. Mustafa AYDIN chaired the reception at the venue. European Commission Representative, Consul General of Turkish Republic in Edinburgh, Turkish National Agency Delegation and a number of guests from Turkish Universities, Consortiums and agents joined the reception.
Dr. AYDIN gave welcome address to all attendees and at the end of the reception, Dr. Mustafa AYDIN presented special gifts to European Commission Representative Vanessa Debiais-Sainton and Consul General of Turkish Republic in Edinburgh, Semih Lütfi Turgut.