EFF’nin her geçen daha fazla üye edinerek büyümesinden ve çalışmalarını franchise sektörünün gelişimi yönünde artırmasından memnuniyet duyduklarını belirten Dr. Aydın Türkiye’nin AB ülkelerine gelişen franchise pazarı ile örnek teşkil ettiğini ifade etti.
UFRAD President and European Franchising Federation vice president Dr. Mustafa Aydin attended the EFF Board Meeting hosted by France Franchising Association in Paris, on April 8, 2015.
General Assembly which will take place in June, EFF works within the framework of Antitrust laws that will take effect in Europe and issues and suggestions of European Franchising sector were among the topics discussed and evaluated during the meeting. Dr. Mustafa Aydin expressed his pleasure to host EFF Board Meeting and Exchange of Experience Meeting in Istanbul in October by UFRAD.
Expressing his satisfaction with EFF’s contribution to the expansion of franchising sector with its growing recruitment of new members Dr. Mustafa Aydin stated that with its growing franchising market, Turkey is exemplary to the EU countries.