Çevrimiçi konferans uluslararası 15 üye temsilcisinin katılımıyla, sabah ve öğleden sonra olmak üzere iki oturumda gerçekleşti. Konferansta EURAS İstanbul Konferansı yönetim düzenlemeleri ile İstanbul Konferansı teknik ve akademik detaylarının yanı sıra üyelik, EURAS akademik dergisi gibi konuların da ele alındı. Bir sonraki EURAS çevrimiçi konferansı mayıs ayındaki İstanbul Konferansı’nı takiben Haziran 2013 tarihinde gerçekleştirilecek.
The 5th online conference, which was also the last before the 2013 EURAS Istanbul Conference, was held with the participations President of EURAS, his accompanying EURAS managing committee and representatives from EURAS member countries and associations.
The online conference focused on EURAS Conference which will be held on May 9th 2013 in İstanbul, started with the presentation of managing committee and briefing on the agenda by the President, Dr. Mustafa Aydın. Dr. Mustafa Aydın starting his speech by thanking all participants, said that all EURAS members should work in strong cooperation in the course of hard efforts before İstanbul Conference and also during the Conference and he added that he wish to see all EURAS members in İstanbul Conference in order to accomplish this cooperation.
General Coordinator of EURAS Mr. Yahya Bacak taking the floor following Dr. Mustafa Aydın’s opening speech started his words by briefing participants about two new EURAS related projects. Bacak, announcing an EU Lifelong Learning project aimed at enhancing the knowledge and skills of engineers and technicians in information technology sector has just been declared to EURAS members from Turkey, added that studies on European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training digital platform started under the leadership of İstanbul Aydın University and with participations of some institutions from Germany, İtaly, Swiss, Latvia and Bulgaria.
The online conference was held with participations of 15 international members in two sessions. During the conference, EURAS Istanbul Conference admin regulations, technical and academic details were discussed along with membership and EURAS academic journal issues. The next EURAS online conference will be held in June 2013, following EURAS İstanbul Conference in May.